Legal Research Tools


The Law Library of Congress is a branch of the Library of Congress and holds the largest single collection of legal materials in the world. It began as an in-house reference library for members of the U.S. Congress but has vastly expanded since its early days. It now serves the public in addition to Congress,


Skilled legal researchers are accustomed to using state legal encyclopedias to support the research of our students, faculty members, and communities. But what about general encyclopedias devoted to individual U.S states and regions? Roughly half of the U.S. states have free, online state encyclopedias available. Many state encyclopedias originated in the print era. Some were


Have you been hearing all the buzz about legal analytics on Westlaw Edge and Lexis Advance? Don’t forget that you also have access to legal analytics platform Lex Machina! Lex Machina , a LexisNexis research tool, provides litigation and business data for legal professionals. The tool harvests data from a variety of resources to enable


You’ve heard of The Bluebook. You’ve heard of The Redbook. (Probably.) But have you heard of The Indigo Book? If not, you’re one of today’s lucky 10,000 ! The Indigo Book is an open system of citation that had its beta-release in 2016. It was created by a group of NYU law students and professor,


This post is my second in a series about Casetext. If you didn’t get a chance to read my first post, check it out here. In this post, I discuss my experience using Casetext’s Case Analysis Research Assistant (CARA). CARA is an artificial intelligence research tool that examines a brief, complaint, or memo you’ve uploaded and returns


Frustrated by receiving an error message when clicking on a link to a document or a website? Sometimes documents have been taken down from websites and website URLs “break.” But, there is a tool you can try that may help you recover the past. The Internet Archive is a nonprofit organization that provides free access


Federal court records and briefs research can be time-intensive and potentially intimidating for a newer attorney. When a lawsuit drags on for years in federal court, a huge paper trail is created that can make effective research in dockets even more complicated. For law students, dockets can also be intimidating because of the variety of
