Remember that Resource, Part II: ProQuest Congressional

March 8, 2023

ProQuest Congressional: Legislative Insight and More

In Part 1 of Remember that Resource, we covered ProQuest Legislative Insight, but how is Legislative Insight any different from ProQuest Congressional? With the caveat that ProQuest Congressional content varies according to the subscription of the individual institution, often the platform also includes legislative histories from 1789 (and will provide links to Legislative Insight where available). But in addition to those histories, ProQuest Congressional has congressional documents from 1789, Legislative & Executive publications, information on Members & Committees, regulatory information, and associated news & social media.

ProQuest also provides Topic Pages that can be a helpful starting place for research into a topic, which include related CRS Reports, news articles, Congressional Hearings, other “Useful Information” including related, laws, regulations, and other government documents. There is also typically a chart of Featured Events with further reading highlighted.

Topics also exist across a wide variety of categories.

The Members & Committees Page also provides member profiles, campaign finance summaries, Member Financial Disclosures, and voting records in Congress, and committee-related information including committee schedules and rosters.

The News & Social Media tab includes searchable political news from the Washington Post, Roll Call (a semi-weekly newspaper that covers the United States Congress), and CQ Political Transcripts (including news and media availability events, news briefings, press releases, and more) and related government social media and website posts from Twitter, Facebook, Weblogs and others.

ProQuest Congressional provides a comprehensive collection of Congressional records, from legislative histories to individual documents to the Congressional background information of Congressional committees and members.