Annotated Bibliography on Generative AI & Law Schools

March 15, 2024

As professors, librarians, and other academics within law schools explore Generative AI (GenAI) tools, we’re beginning to see a body of scholarship developing. At the UNC Law Library, we recently compiled these articles in an annotated bibliography to distribute at a librarian-led workshop for law faculty on legal GenAI. I thought it may be helpful to share the results!

The articles were compiled mostly from free sources on the web, although many of the articles have forthcoming publication dates. There is a notable lack of coverage of Westlaw & Lexis GenAI products in the articles, presumably because these tools have so recently been released to academic accounts. The articles are divided into four sub-groups:

  • Legal Education Topics Generally
  • Legal Research & Writing
  • Other Law School Courses
  • Studying the Use & Performance of GenAI in Law Schools

There is also an appendix that outlines methods for teaching law students about GenAI identified from the articles collected for the bibliography:

  • Evaluate AI-generated output
  • Integrate GenAI into the writing process
  • Conduct a lawyer-client simulation with GenAI
  • Encourage the use of GenAI as a study tool

Check it out the annotated bibliography here and good luck staying up to date on these constantly evolving tools!