Welcome (Back) to the Kathrine R. Everett Law Library—2023-2024!
September 20, 2023
The fall semester has begun, and the library has lots of available resources to help you succeed this year whether you are a first-year or returning student. Here is a list of the top ten most useful tips and resources to improve your Law Library experience and help you get the most out of what we have to offer!
- Not sure how to access your legal databases? Our Legal Databases page provides hyperlinks and access instructions for all of the library’s databases.
- Need a place to study? The library has you covered! Every floor has lots of space to accommodate your study setup with tables, soft seating, and carrels or cubicles. For extra quiet, head down to the first or second floor. Additionally, you can reserve a study room in the law school!
- Snacks and beverages are welcome in the library, but please eat meals outside the library or in designated dining facilities.
- Looking for a good study aid? We have plenty of those! Review our Digital Study Aids by Topic Research Guide to browse digital study aids available to you organized by topic.
- Tackling a new area of law and need a little research help? We have research guides on a variety of topics, from bankruptcy law to immigration law. Use them to get started on a new research topic or to find resources you didn’t even know existed.
- We have your course books available for a four-hour loan period on Course Reserve. You can check them out by request at the Circulation Desk. All you need to know is the class and professor—we’ll know the rest!
- Want to scan library materials and take them with you? We have you covered! The Law Library has three scanners available for use in the following locations: the fourth floor across from the Reference Desk; the fourth floor Print Room; the third floor in between carrels. Of course, you’re also welcome to use the scanners for your own materials as well!
- Need in-depth or specialized legal research assistance, while working on research projects and papers, or help developing a research plan? You can schedule a research consultation with one of our law librarians.
- IT Question? That’s not us, but the IT department is here in the library on the third floor. Also, feel free to take a look at their quick guide to common Law IT questions. They can help with anything from law school printing and WIFI troubleshooting to exam software setup and more!
- We’re here to help! If you have questions, please contact the Reference Desk in-person, by email at lawref@unc.edu, by phone at 919-962-1194, or by chat at https://library.law.unc.edu (Click “Questions”) – Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Portions of this post were originally published September 2, 2021 by Kerri Rowe. This post has been updated to reflect new information and offerings!