A Self-Checkout Option at the Law Library
November 2, 2021
No, it is not another scanner! The new machine located across from the Circulation Desk is a self-checkout station. The Law Library would like to invite all of our patrons to utilize the self-checkout station the next time they have a book ready to be checked out.
The self-checkout station is very easy to use. Start by scanning your OneCard or entering your PID. The machine will prompt you to place the book or books on the plate under the scanner. The books will appear on the screen as checked out to your account, and you will be prompted to either print or email yourself a receipt.
When it is time to return your books, we have three book returns located outside the lower rotunda entrance to the law school, outside the library entrance, and at the Circulation Desk.
Quick, easy, and no contact! While we’re happy to have this self-checkout option, please continue to stop by the service desks to ask your questions or say hello.