BOOOO-K HUNT: A Spine-Chilling Search Through the Stacks
October 23, 2018
The Kathrine R. Everett Law Library would like to invite you to participate in the first ever BOOOO-K HUNT: A Spine-Chilling Search Through the Stacks!
The Boooo-k Hunt will be held on Wednesday, October 31st and can be completed any time between 7:30AM and 4:00PM in the Law Library. The hunt will take about an hour to complete. Brave your way through the stacks with team members by solving 10 clues that will test your legal research skills and lead you to various print resources in the library. Earn bonus points by being the fastest team, unscrambling the puzzle, and finding hidden envelopes throughout the Law Library’s secret spaces.
Team registration begins in the Law School Rotunda on Wednesday, October 24th from 11:50AM-1:00PM. Teams should be comprised of 2-3 law students. At least one team member must be present in the rotunda to sign up your team. Participation is limited to only 12 teams, so claim your spot! Teams can sign up in person at the Reference Desk for spots remaining after the Rotunda registration period.
The First Place Prize is a copy of BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY (in print!) for each team member. Second Place, Third Place, and Participant prizes will also be awarded. If you have any questions, please contact Nicole Downing at We hope you can join us!