Neil Gorsuch Project

March 17, 2017

Confirmation hearings on the nomination of the Honorable Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court are scheduled to begin March 20, 2017 and interest in the nominee’s judicial record is high.

Neil Gorsuch (Photo: Andrew Harnik, AP)

To assist researchers, the University of Virginia Law Library launched the Neil Gorsuch Project, a website that assembles all of Gorsuch’s written opinions, as well as concurrences and dissents he either wrote or joined as a judge for the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals. Lists of published articles and speeches by Gorsuch are also included. 

The idea for the Gorsuch Project was born after law librarians from several universities and government offices faced a similar question from their patrons: “Find as much information about the new Supreme Court nominee as possible.” The results of that inquiry form the core of the site’s content. 

Originally published here.