Spring 2017 Prep for Practice Workshop Series
January 17, 2017
The Law Library would like to invite students to participate in the Prep for Practice Workshop Series for Spring 2017! Throughout the semester, UNC law librarians will host a series of lunchtime classes to help students hone their legal research skills as they prepare for internships, extra-curricular activities, and jobs. These sessions focus on practical research skills that law students will need on their first day of work at a firm, court, government agency, in-house, or elsewhere.
All workshops during the Spring 2017 semester will be held in Law Library Room 3031 from 12:00pm – 12:50 pm. For students who would like to attend, please register for workshops on My Carolina Law. Sign up early, as space is limited! If you have any questions, stop by the Reference Desk and ask a librarian.
The Prep for Practice schedule is below:
Using Dockets in Practice
Wednesday, January 25th
Make sure you are prepared to find briefs, motions, complaints, and the many other documents located in a case docket. Learn where to find these document online and how to search for them efficiently on Bloomberg Law.
Is it Good Law? Using Citators
Wednesday, February 8th
Shepard’s, KeyCite, and BCite are important tools for any legal practitioner. Learn everything you’ve been wanting to know about citators and making a “good law” determination.
Transactional Drafting Tools
Wednesday, February 22nd
Checklists, templates, and forms are some of the many tools available to you when you are conducting transactional work. Learn about these tools, where to find them, and how to incorporate them into your research.
Trial Preparation Resources
Wednesday, March 8th
Preparing for trial isn’t all cases and statutes. Learn about the range of manuals, form books, and reporters available to help with motions, discovery, jury instructions and more.
If you can’t make any of the workshops this semester, remember that you can always talk with a reference librarian about your research (even while you are on the job)!