Prep for Practice Workshops at the Law Library
September 12, 2016
Each year, UNC law librarians host Prep for Practice – a series of lunchtime workshops to help students hone their legal research skills as they prepare for internships, extra-curricular work, and jobs. These sessions focus on practical research skills that law students will need on their first day of work, whether at a firm, government agency, in-house, or elsewhere.
All workshops during the Fall 2016 semester will be held in Law Library Room 3031 from 12:00pm – 12:50pm. For students who would like to attend, please register for workshops on My Carolina Law. Sign up early, as space is limited! If you have any questions, stop by the Reference Desk and ask a librarian.
The Prep for Practice schedule is below:
Advanced Online Searching for Legal Researchers
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Don’t just type words in a search bar! Learn how to effectively use terms & connectors, fields, and advanced search pages in professional legal research databases like Westlaw, Lexis Advance, Bloomberg Law, and HeinOnline.
Using Research Strategy on the Job
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Find out how to tackle your first research assignment from start to finish. This workshop will take you through the research process for turning in a finished product you can be confident was well-researched.
Statutes: Where They Come From and How to Find Them
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
From bill to law, there is a lot to know about statutes and it’s all important to understand when conducting research. Attend this workshop to make sure you are ready to not only find a statute but to answer questions about its history.
How to Find and Use Cases
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
There’s more to cases than a citation. Learn some of the many methods for finding cases and everything you can do with just one case! A workshop about cases wouldn’t be complete without instructions for checking if its “good law.”
If you can’t make any of the workshops this semester, make sure to keep your eyes open for the Prep for Practice workshops coming in Spring 2017!