How to Cite a Concurrence In or Dissent From a Denial of Certiorari

The Bluebook does not provide clear guidance on how to cite every authority that law students or legal practitioners need or wish to use in their papers, memos, and briefs. Sometimes, researchers will toil in vain looking for a particular rule or example to cover a less common type of source, only to find that

Get Ready for the MPRE with the Law Library’s Resources

For 2Ls and 3Ls who have taken professional responsibility, the March Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE) is right around the corner! Whether it’s your first or your fifth time tackling the exam, the Law Library has some resources to help you prepare. If you’re looking for online study aids to test out your skills, the law

Locating Historical Legal Materials: Three Databases to Try

Do you need to search criminal cases from the 1800s? Or find state statutes from 1903? What about an old English treatise on contract law? Tracking down historical legal materials can be difficult, but there are a number of online sources available to aid your research. An impressive number of old legal texts, reporters, and

New Privacy Law Research Guide Provides Access to Rapidly Evolving Legal Trends

According to a news report from Bloomberg Law, a wave of state legislatures are currently considering consumer privacy legislation, driven by the 2018 Facebook/Cambridge Analytica data-harvesting scandal, the new California consumer privacy law set to take effect in 2020, and the European Union’s comprehensive approach to privacy under its GDPR framework. Privacy law in the

Using HeinOnline’s Advanced Search Features: Keyword Search Builder & “More Like This”

Whether you are running a preemption check or reviewing legal scholarship to support your own research, HeinOnline’s Law Journal Library is an important resource for accessing legal scholarship published in law journals around the world. In an effort to make the contents of this resource more accessible and customizable for researchers, HeinOnline introduced two new

New Book: Impeachment: What Everyone Needs to Know

UNC law professor Michael J. Gerhardt published a new book in 2018: Impeachment: What Everyone Needs to Know. Given the current attention paid to the subject of impeachment, Prof. Gerhardt’s book must count among the most well-timed volumes in Oxford University Press’ “What Everyone Needs to Know” series. Like all books in that Oxford series,

New Book: The Faces of Poverty in North Carolina

The Law Library is pleased to announce that a new book, The Faces of Poverty in North Carolina: Stories from our Invisible Citizens, has been added to the collection.  Written by UNC Law’s very own Gene Nichol, this book expands on the work that Nichol has been committed to throughout the entirety of his professional

The Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine

Frustrated by receiving an error message when clicking on a link to a document or a website? Sometimes documents have been taken down from websites and website URLs “break.” But, there is a tool you can try that may help you recover the past. The Internet Archive is a nonprofit organization that provides free access

Dealing with Stress as Finals Approach

Finals can be very stressful, but there are ways to manage stress so that you can productively study. Remember to take care of yourself by sleeping, eating, and taking breaks. Take a walk or engage in other physical activity as this can help you reduce stress and refocus. If you are feeling overwhelmed, take some