Social Media Searching on ProQuest Congressional

March 8, 2017

ProQuest Congressional is a great resource for finding information regarding government documents.  But did you know that there is a way to search social media platforms?  From the basic search page, select Social Media.  It says, “Find out what Members and Federal agencies are posting on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.”  The search includes Twitter, press releases, Facebook, weblogs, and videos.  You can specify which members of Congress you want to search.  You can also enter search terms. 

For example, have you ever wanted to know which of your Congress members are posting about coffee?  I ran a search for coffee OR latte and got 2520 results.  If you select a result, it tells you the topic, the member of congress, the date, and it provides a link to the original source.

So now you know that when you are tracking pending legislation, you can check social media as well!

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