How to Customize Your Westlaw Precision Homepage

January 24, 2023

As of early January, academic Westlaw Edge accounts transitioned to Westlaw Precision. This update brings some new research features as well as a new homepage layout:

A screenshot of the new homepage of Westlaw precision.

This post will cover a few easy ways to customize your Westlaw homepage to better suit your needs and help you get into your most-used resources faster.

Changing the Default Tab

First, you can change your default tab back to “content types” (which was the default page in Westlaw Edge) by selecting the small gear on the right side of the main home screen box:

A screenshot of the Westlaw Precision homepage, with a red circle around the settings options of the main content square.

You can also set Federal materials, State materials, Practice areas, My Content, or Tools as your default page.

Changing the “Get Started” Bar

You may have also noticed that the new “Get Started” bar in between the search bar and the main content box. You can also adjust this bar to your preferences, although you cannot remove it altogether.

To change the “Get Started” bar you just need to select the small gear symbol at the far-right side of the bar:

A screenshot of the Westlaw Precision homepage, with a red circle around the settings options of the "Get Started" bar.

From there, you can select which shortcuts you’d like to appear:

A screenshot of the settings page of the "Get Started" shortcuts settings.

You can re-order the “Get Started” shortcuts by selecting “clear all” and then re-selecting them in your preferred order. However, the preferred order will not be saved once you log out of Westlaw. Hopefully, Westlaw will update this quirk soon!

These quick tips can help you customize the Westlaw homepage to meet your research needs. Be sure to also check out all the new research features on Westlaw Precision!